
Diode v1.15.1 was released on February 24, 2025.

#Unlimited member free zones

In partnership with Moonbeam, we’ve made every newly created Zone FREE for an unlimited number of users! We have also retroactively applied the user limit upgrade to all existing Nomad zones.

Diode and Moonbeam have a passion for how decentralized technologies can improve security, global access, and collaboration!

#Chat policy

Zone admins can now set the chat policy for their Zone to configure whether or not Member roles can DM other Members, and whether they can see public chats or not.

Even if public chat visibility is turned off for members, they can still see Announcement channels and any private chats they may be a part of.

#Show Invite Code when inviting team members

When adding new team members, an easy-to-click “copy invitation code” button is provided in case the Zone admin just wants to send a invitation link instead of inviting the other person directly by username.

#Rename Read-Only role to In-Moderation

The Read-Only role has been renamed to “In Moderation”. Going forward, the key use of the role is to invite new members into a In Moderation state and then upgrade their role if the Zone admin so chooses.

#Relax invite code restrictions

Invitation codes for any role (Member, Admin, In Moderation) can now be created with a max-invitations of greater than 1.

#Add ddrive:// scheme handler on all platforms

All platforms now support direct app links via the ddrive:// URL handler. This will make it easier in the future for new members to join a Zone by clicking a link.

#Show notification preference reminder on iOS

If a new iOS user has not set their notification preferences, they will get a banner prompting them to do so.

#Show “Redraw” on all platforms and make it simpler

Redraw is now supported on all platforms. This also fixes a bug in Windows where “Redraw” would not work the first time, resulting in a blank screen. The Redraw menu command is in the OS menu under “Help”.

#Fix: Don’t show push notification when app is in front

iOS and Android no longer show push notifications if the app is currently in-use. This will reduce duplicate notifications.

#Fix: Better push notification initialization for members who don’t sync files

There was a bug initializing push notifications in a Zone for members who don’t sync files - this has been fixed.