
To fully uninstall Diode, follow the instructions below corresponding to your operating system (Windows, MacOS, Linux).


  1. Remove the Diode App

    • Click “Uninstall” from the Diode Drive start menu program group


    • open an explorer window (Win-E) and go to C:\Program Files\Diode Drive\ and run the “Uninstall.exe” from the Diode Drive folder.

  2. Remove your Diode Profile

    WARNING: If you have not created a backup of your account, you will lose your username forever

    If you are certain you want to remove your Diode Profile:

    1. Open an explorer window and go to your user’s home folder (e.g. C:\Users\myusername\)
    2. Locate the “.config” folder and go into it
    3. Locate the “ddrive” folder and delete it
  3. Remove your Zones folder

    WARNING: Your Zones folder may contain the files/information you were working on in Diode - you may or may not want to delete these

    If you are certain you want to remove your Zones folder:

    1. Open an explorer window and go to your user’s home folder (e.g. C:\Users\myusername\)
    2. Locate the “Zones” folder and delete it


  1. Remove the Diode App

    1. Open the Applications folder in Finder
    2. Move the “dDrive” or “Diode Drive” application in the Applications folder to the Trash (or delete it)
  2. Remove your Diode Profile

    WARNING: If you have not created a backup of your account, you will lose your username forever

    If you are certain you want to remove your Diode Profile:

    1. Open a terminal window
    2. Type “rm -r ~/.config/ddrive”
  3. Remove your Zones folder

    WARNING: Your Zones folder may contain the files/information you were working on in Diode - you may or may not want to delete these.

    If you are certain you want to remove your Zones folder:

    1. Open a terminal window
    2. Type “rm -r ~/Zones”


  1. Remove the Diode App

    Remove the “dDrive” installation directory (by default, this is located at ~/dDrive)

    • Do this from the File Manager


    • Open a terminal window

    • Type “rm -r ~/dDrive”

  2. Remove your Diode Profile

    WARNING: If you have not created a backup of your account, you will lose your username forever

    If you are certain you want to remove your Diode Profile:

    1. Open a terminal window
    2. Type “rm -r ~/.config/ddrive”
  3. Remove your Zones folder

    WARNING: Your Zones folder may contain the files/information you were working on in Diode - you may or may not want to delete these.

    If you are certain you want to remove your Zones folder:

    1. Open a terminal window
    2. Type “rm -r ~/Zones”