Markdown Editing Basics
Diode Collab has a markdown viewer that automatically renders markdown file formatting for the file set as the Home Page and for markdown files in the File Details and Web Link file previews.
For a complete guide to markdown editing, see’s cheat sheet and other resources there.
Here are some Diode specific tips:
#Display an Image
- Description: Display an image
- Syntax:

- Example:

- Notes
- Only .png and .jpg files are supported
- Zone file/folder paths must start with “/”
- Paths can be external / web URLs
#Display an Image with Link
- Description: Display an image that, when clicked, will redirect to another page in the app or external website
- Syntax:
- Example:
- Notes
- Only .png and .jpg files are supported
- Zone file/folder paths must start with “/”
- Paths can be external / web URLs
#Link to the Root Directory
- Description: Insert a hyperlink that, when clicked, redirects the user to the base level (root) file folder view
- Syntax:
[Link Text](./)]
- Example:
[All the Files](./)
- Notes
- The root directory is a unique location that requires the “.” at the beginning of the path
#Link to a File or Folder
- Description: Insert a hyperlink that, when clicked, redirects the user to a specific file or folder
- Syntax:
[Link Text](/Path/to/folder/file.ext)
- Example:
[2022 Financial Projections](/Finance/Forecast/2022/2022_financial_model-v3.xlsx)
- Notes
To link to a folder, just end the path with the folder name