
Diode v1.14.3 was released on January 24, 2025.

#Notify admins and owners when new member joins a zone

A new application-managed chat channel has been created called “New Users”. This channel will get a notification for Admins and Owners when a new user joins the zone. This helps manage Zones that are using invitation codes to welcome, and potentially up-moderate role, for newly joined people.

#On-demand file sync in chats

Chats now allow clicking on non-sync’d files in the chat history to on-demand sync the file to the chat history for the device.

#Automatically create an invite code

All new Zones now get an invitation code created by default to make it easier to invite new team members to the Zone.

Zone owners can now “unlink” a Zone from their Zone settings page without having to go to the global Zones page.

#Fix: Reduce battery usage

Additional energy reduction work was done to decrease battery / energy usage of the app.

#Fix: Enable invitations only after Zone is initialized

Invitations are now sent out on new Zones only after the Zone has been registered. In the past the invitation could be sent out before the Zone was registered, resulting in a race condition if the invited member tried to accept the Zone immediately.

#Fix: Prevent dragging zone icon into the app

When re-arranging Zone icons, the app quick access bar and content area no longer highlight when mistakenly dragging the icon into those areas. This should make it easier to re-organize Zone icons.

Note that re-organization Zone icons is still somewhat buggy when a file sync is happening on the system.

#Fix: Checkboxes on network pages

Network page table items are now able to be selected by check box again. When item search was implemented, the individual selections were broken.

#Fix: Limit zone names to 40 characters

Zone names are now limited to 40 characters - this helps with readability and also with layout and presentation of Zone names.