
Diode v1.13.8 was released on November 07, 2024.

#HTML previewer

HTML files can now be launched in a full screen preview window. Additionally, if a local Bookmark is created to point to an HTML file, “full screen” can be selected in the Bookmark settings. “Full screen” HTML file Bookmarks will launch the HTML preview window.


#Make account list scrollable

The account list in the profile menu is now scrollable. If you have many profiles that you use, it is easier to access them now.

#Chat character counter / message size limit

Chat messages have a maximum size of 2,000 characters. In the past, the message input box would simply cut off any characters over the 2,000 character limit. Now, a character counter is displayed if you begin authoring a long message. If you hit the limit, a message is displayed asking you to start a new message. If a large amount of text is pasted into the chat message box, it will not allow you to send the text until it is reduced to 2,000 characters or less.

#Fix: Improve image cropper

The profile image selector / cropper design was improved, and an edge case error that sometimes automatically closed the cropper has been fixed.