
Diode v1.13.4 was released on October 9, 2024.

#Limit Team list in Quick Access bar

We have limited the number of team members listed in the Quick Access bar to just the last 10 direct message chats. If there are more members than that, you will need to use the search tool to find their name.

#List nickname in chat mentions

The nickname of a Team Member mentioned in chat is now listed. In the past, the app only listed the username. However, many people’s usernames are unintelligible, so it was hard to figure out who a group chat feed was referring to. We now list the nickname in addition to the username in the chat mention.

#Fix: Non sync peer file overwrite

A significant bug was fixed in which a non-sync peer could over-write a file with an older version in some cases.

#Fix: Redirect to Zone upon creation

A regression was fixed in which a new Zone was not automatically opened after creation.

If a link is included in a chat message, any punctuation at the end of the link was included and would break the link. This has been fixed.

#Fix: Android tunnel names

Android tunneled browsing shows the tunnel name briefly when the browsing session is initiated. However, it was sometimes showing the Bookmark name instead of the tunnel name - this has now been fixed.