
Diode v1.12.4 was released on August 20, 2024.

#Extend API with polling features

The API has been extended to include channel team and message polling. This allows a remotely connected integration to “catch up” with any messages it may have missed during any outages of the connected peer.

#Allow a user to remove themselves completely from a Zone

The Zone settings area now shows a “Leave Zone” button that will allow a user to completely remove themselves from the Zone. This does not simply unlink the Zone, it fully removes the Zone membership - in order to re-join the zone, a new invitation or invite code will be required.

#Persist “You are joining a Zone” banner until the Zone appears

The banner that reminds the user that “You are joining a Zone” now persists until the Zone actually appears in the side bar / Zone list. In the past, the banner would disappear as soon as the joining user acquired blockchain permissions to the Zone - which could be a minute or more before the Zone actually appeared.