ZTN - Regional Tunnels

You can use Diode to access websites from any region in the world, no matter where you are sitting. Under the hood, making this possible, is Diode’s Zero Trust Network - so, we call this “ZTN”!

To set up your ZTN connection, check out the “Web2 Tunneled Link” type of bookmark in the “Bookmarks” article and watch the videos below!:

ZTN is similar to VPN, but Diode’s Web3 approach has at least four important differences:

  1. The rest of your computer / Internet stays in “normal” Internet mode. Only the website and browser session you launch from Diode uses the tunnel. This not only keeps your normal Internet fast and pertinent to your region, it also is a lot more difficult to tell that your computer is using a tunnel (also helped by #4 below).
  2. You, or a friend, can place an exit node (where you “exit” into the Internet) for you to use in literally any location. This means that you can ensure the exit node operator is not providing details on your browsing behavior to others - something that is not possible with normal VPN. Also, and perhaps even more importantly, by placing an exit node in a home or an office, you can ensure websites can’t detect that you are in another region - something that VPNs struggle with (many streaming and Web3 sites will detect VPNs and block them).
  3. By configuring the exit node to route through your local region, your computer doesn’t even need to access a server out of your region in order to access a website across the world. Most VPNs require that your computer connect to the VPN server in the country you want to exit in. Not so with Diode!
  4. Diode uses “TLS Encryption” on the connections. Most of today’s websites use the same type of encryption. Therefore, due to #1, your connection into the Diode Network looks very similar to all the other connections you are normally making to the Internet.